Post-Partum Items Moms ACTUALLY Need! PT.2

Welcome to PT.2!

Just like PT.1 I will be listing must-have/essential items for moms in their post partum stage.

This list though is for..


Nipple Cream 
First on the list is Nipple Cream. Let's face it, our nipples get dry and cracked from nursing. If yours haven't, brace yourself because at some point they will. That's why you need nipple cream. Almost any brand is good and the best part is that a little bit goes a long way. I preferred the Lansinoh brand and if you're looking for something organic the Motherlove and Boob-ease brands are great as well. You can find each of these brands at Target. 
Lansinoh - $8.29
Motherlove - $10.99
Boob-ease - $12.99 

Pump Bag (Optional) 

Next on the list is a pump bag. This item is optional, but it was (and still is) a must-have for me because it can be used as an all purpose bag. I used my pump bag of course for my pump, but I had several compartments for my tools and pump cleaning supplies. My bag also came with a compartment for a milk cooler. It was heaven sent while traveling. Now I use it as a diaper bag. You can find these anywhere! They are convenient and trendy, but are optional because they can be on the pricey side. My bag was made by the Bananafish brand and I found it at Target for $39.99. 

Haakaa Manuel Pump 

This item is probably my favorite item on the list. The Haakaa pump is not actually a pump but it acts as one. It can be used while you are feeding. It's a gem because it suctions to your nipple and catches any milk that leaks from your unoccupied breast. It even has a stopper so that you don't waste your milk. Trust me, we've all been there and done that. I found mine on Amazon for $12.94 but you can also pick this item up at Target or Walmart. 

A Nipple Shield (or two) 

My daughter had the hardest time getting a good suction on my nipple when we first started our breastfeeding journey. I tried everything (or so I thought) but nothing would work. I visited a specialist and she gave me a nipple shield. It gave me instant relief and my baby was able to get enough milk. Nipple shields are great specifically for that reason. I never knew about them until then and I'm sure I walked passed them in the store a dozen times. Luckily, I am able to share this information now. You can find nipple shields at Target or Walmart for about $8. 

Breast Pump Cleansing Wipes 

This particular item is best when you are on the go. Just wipe your pump tools off with these and place them back in your bag! I used them when I couldn't get to a sink or when I wasn't home to properly sanitize my tools. I prefer the Medela brand. You can find a 2 pack at Target for $11 or a single pack on amazon for about $8. 

Infinity Scarf Cover 

These items are used to cover-up when you are nursing in public. If you like your privacy (I'm all for feeding without a cover) these are great. It's versatile because it doubles as a stylish scarf. There are other covers that can be used for your baby's car seat as well. I used a cover from the Itzy Ritzy brand. And of course I found it at Target for $17.99. 

Nursing Pillow

You need a nursing pillow because eventually while you're nursing, your arms will get tired. You can wrap the pillow around your waist and lay baby right on top. Easy, simple. This pillow can also be used as a tummy time prop. I used it with my daughter and she loved it. My favorite brand is Boppy. You can pick them up at Target, Walmart or order on Amazon.

Nursing Bra 

Last on the list is a nursing bra. Nursing bras are essential simply because they make nursing easy anywhere and anytime. They clip from the straps, which makes it super convenient. I found mine at the Motherhood Maternity store for $34.95, but you can also find them at Target or Walmart. 

If you have tried any of these products, leave a comment! 

Special Tip 

I know a lot of mommies have trouble with boosting their milk supply. Below is a list of products that I have personally used to boost mine. Let me know if any of these work for you! 

1. Milk Flow Pill Supplement By Upspring (be cautious about the fenugreek) 
2. Pink Drink -Starbucks
3. Body Armor Sports Drink (my personal favorite) 
