My Truth About Daycare

One of the things I promised myself when I was pregnant, was that I wouldn't put my daughter in daycare unless it was absolutely necessary. My S/O and I promised that we would do everything in our power to keep her away from daycare. We got lucky for a year and a half, and then we weren't so lucky. 

My S/O's mother took a job very quickly and left us with a day's notice to find our daughter a daycare. As you can imagine, I was REALLY upset. Looking back on it, I still think the way I reacted was justifiable, but I reminded myself that everything couldn't always go the way I planned. 

My zodiac sign is Virgo, we're perfectionists and always try to plan ahead. 

This was one thing I tried to plan for, but it didn't work out that way. I asked for months if I would need to consider finding a daycare and was told "no", so again, I was upset. I started thinking of all the things that could go wrong (and of course that didn't help my anxiety). 

I could give a list of reasons I never wanted my daughter to attend daycare.

Starting with 

 - You can't prevent your child from getting sick because of another child, if you're not there. 

2. Insecurities
- Given that I am still breastfeeding, I was afraid that they would give her whole milk. 
I still don't know if they did or not, but I know that I stressed to them that I didn't want her to have it.

3. Money
- Honestly, childcare is expensive; and although we were able to pay for it out of pocket, it was still stressful. We dipped into our savings a couple times, and thank goodness we even had money saved. .

To say the least, it was not the best experience. But once it became routine, I found that on the days she went, it was convenient for me. Her daycare was about 7 minutes from my job so I was never late to work and I didn't have to drive 30 minutes to my S/O's mother's house to pick her up. She stayed in daycare for about 2 months and I think I kind of started to like it -- I even got a little sad when we took her out. 

What I learned from this experience is that although I try to plan for these kinds of things, I will almost never be prepared. I also learned that I can't control everything. 

Do your children attend daycare or have they? Leave a comment and tell me what your truth is. 
